New NSF award to acquire $1M nano-imaging instrumentDr. Jacque Cole, Assistant Professor in the Joint Department Biomedical Engineering at NC State and UNC-CH, has won an NSF award to...
2018 ASB2018 AbstractsCLEAR Labs are well represented @ ASB2018 in Rochester Minnesota Check them out here
Run for LibertyDel Bianco Prosthetics hosts the sixth Annual Run for Liberty a 5K run to honor our dedicated Military Personnel and Veterans with all...
Nicolas Hanne Wins 2018 NBD Greatest Impact AwardNicolas Hanne, 3rd year graduate student in Dr. Jacque Cole’s lab (Orthopaedic Mechanobiology Lab, OML) is the recipient of the National...
Imhotep Academy ToursHuang Lab, Graduate Student Robert Hinson and Postdoctoral Scholar Wen Wu gave a demo and lab tour to the 6th-8th grade students from...
Abstracts Accepted - Orthopaedic Mechanobiology LabNicholas Hann, Graduate Student in Dr. Jacque Cole's Lab, abstract was accepted for the
Helen Huang Speaks at Elon University Voices of Discovery Lecture SeriesThe Voices of Discovery speaker series brings to campus preeminent scientists and mathematicians who have left an indelible mark on the...
Featured in the TechnicianAndrea Brandt, a Ph.D. student studying biomedical engineering, helps Charles Humphries, a third-year studying mechanical engineering,...
Dr. Huang Presented CLEAR at the Chancellor's Pregame ReceptionNCSU VS. UNC-CH Foot ball Game at Carter-Finley Stadium was CLEAR(ly) the best place for Dr. Helen Huang to present CLEAR's vision and...