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2017 National Biomechanics Day
National Biomechanics Day is a worldwide celebration of Biomechanics in its many forms for high school students and teachers. We are...

The Bionic Human: Making Fantasy a Reality
Dr. Helen Huang along with two members of her lab, Stephanie Huang, research scientist and Andy Brandt, graduate student presented the...

Helen Huang Selected as Review Board Member for 2017 Delsys Prize
Each year, the De Luca Foundation awards the Delsys Prize to a researcher who has illustrated an innovative use of electromyography. This...

Nicholas Hanne Presents at ORS 2017
Nicholas Hanne, graduate student in Dr. Jacque Cole's lab presented a poster titled 'Diet-Induced Obesity Deteriorates Cancellous Bone...

NREL Welcomes Chancellor Randy Woodson
During Chancellor Woodson’s annual visit to the College of Engineering, accompanied by Dr. Louis A. Martin-Vega, dean of the College of...
Nicholas Hann and Hui Cong Have Abstracts Accepted @ 2 Major Conferences
The Orthopaedic Mechanobiology Lab, directed by Dr. Jacque Cole, an Assistant Professor in Biomedical Engineering NC State/UNC saw two...
Vibhavari Vempala Awarded Travel Grant
The Neuromuscular Rehabilitation Engineering Laboratory would like to congratulate our undergraduate intern Vibhavari Vempala, on her...

2016 Journal of Biomechanics Award Presented to BME Graduate Dr. Ben Robertson
September 19, 2016 - Ben Robertson, Ph.D., a former doctoral student working with Dr. Greg Sawicki in the Human PoWeR Lab and now a...

Yue Wen Selected as Finalist in IEEE Paper Competition
Yue Wen, a BME PhD student working with Dr. Helen Huang in the Rehabilitation Engineering Core, has been chosen by the IEEE Engineering...
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