4 Grant Submissions....whewwww
Core, Rehabilitation Engineering, faculty member Dr. Jason Franz and director of the Applied Biomechanics lab in the Joint Department of Biomedical Engineering submitted four grants in October 2015. Two submission to NIH and two submissions to the University of North Carolina-CH (UNC). 1) NIH R01 (PI: Franz), “Accessing Propulsive Capacity Reserves in Age-Related Mobility Impairment” Co-Investigators: Brian Pietrosimone (EXSS & HMSC), Jan Busby-Whitehead (Geriatrics), Eric Ryan (EXSS & HMSC), and Lisa Wruck (Biostatistics), all from UNC
2) Jason’s second submission was through UNC’s, University Research Council (URC) who administers a Small Grant program for faculty at UNC-CH. This award program has been redesigned to help junior faculty and less well funded investigators. Research grants support the scientific, scholarly or artistic efforts of junior faculty. The Council encourages the use of URC grants as a stepping stone to extramural support. This proposal is titled, “The role of Propulsive Capacity Reserves in Age-Related Mobility Impairment” and Co-Investigators are Brian Pietrosimone (EXSS & HMSC) and Eric Ryan (EXSS & HMSC), also from UNC.
3) UNC Faculty Development Grant (PI: Pietrosimone), Co-Investigators: Franz
4) NIH LRP (PI: Franz), “Neuromuscular reserves and the sensorimotor control of balance in elderly gait”