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Jason Franz Receives Grant from the National Multiple Sclerosis (MS) Society

BME Faculty Jason Franz, in collaboration with UNC Healthcare and researchers at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, has been awarded an exciting new Research Grant from the National Multiple Sclerosis (MS) Society. The project will leverage the BME Applied Biomechanics Lab’s virtual reality infrastructure to quantify standing and walking balance control and response to balance perturbations in people with MS vs. age-matched controls. The project’s long-term translational goal is to develop novel and more effective markers of balance and mobility impairment for the detection of disease onset and progression.

The BME Applied Biomechanics Lab was previously featured in UNC Healthcare News and is currently scheduled to be included in an episode of UNC-TV’s SciTech Now. Check back for more information on when you can catch the show!


Jeanine Miller
Jeanine Miller

After seeing numerous neurologists, I was given the diagnosis of MULTIPLE SCLEROSIS. I was given medication, which helped, but my condition was rapidly deteriorating. Ultimately, I learned about the useful MS-4 protocol at vinehealthcentre. com. This treatment has helped greatly with reducing my symptoms, it was even more effective than the prescription drugs I was using. My tremors mysteriously disappeared after the first month of medication, and I was able to walk better. Within 4 months on this treatment most of my symptoms has vanished. The MS-4 protocol is a total game changer for me. I’m surprised more people with MS don’t know it. This MS-4 protocol is a breakthrough

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