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Updates from Orthopaedic Mechanobiology Lab

January was a busy month for Dr. Jacque Cole, Assistant Professor in the Joint Department of Biomedical Engineering, NC State/UNC and members of her lab, Nicholas Hanne, graduate student, and postdoctoral scholar Andy Steward.

Jacque became a mentor for Carolina ADMIRES, (Assisting in Development and Mentoring an Innovative Research Experience in Science!) a program at UNC that is designed for entering high school students who have an interest in science and would like to learn more about what a future career in the STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics) disciplines would bring. More information can be found here

Nicholas Hanne submitted a grant to the American Heart Association and was invited to present at the NC State Graduate Student Research Symposium. Another local event kept both Nicholas and Andy engaged, they were volunteer judges on February 1, at the North Carolina School of Science and Math, Science Fair.


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